The Best Girl of the Year Dolls AG Has Ever Made

 Hi everyone! I recently made a post about the worst Girl of the Year dolls, and I thought today I'd do a follow up with the best! Enjoy!

First off, we have Joss Kendrick! Joss was the first doll to have a visible disability, and her collection was the literal best! 

Even her $650 surf van. Not that I would spend that much on a doll item, but it was cool.

Oh, yeah, she also introduced a new face mold. Seriously, Joss rocked.

Next up, Jess McConnell!

 Soo, I've always liked Jess, but I've been especially in love with her lately, because I may or may not have gotten her hehehe. More on that soon.

Anyways, Jess is awesome! I LOVE her meet outfit (that shirt!), and though I haven't read her story, it sounds interesting! I went to Belize (where her story takes place) over summer, and it was awesome! After we went, I decided I really wanted to read her book, but I still haven't had the chance. ☹

 Next up, Sonali Matthews! She's the rarest GOTY doll, and for good reason! She introduced the Sonali face mold, which I love, and need in my collection, and was just overall way better than Chrissa and Gwen, the dolls she was sold with lol.

The next doll is probably not a shocker: Kanani Akina! She's another one of the most popular GOTY dolls, and for obvious reasons! She's SOOOOO cute and unique! The medium skin with the Jess mold is awesome; why are there only two dolls with that combo?

Sooo, the next doll maybe isn't the most unique, but I had to include her anyway: Grace Thomas!

Grace was my first GOTY, and she has a really special place in my heart! Grace also happens to be my mini me (in looks, at least), and she had a really cute collection too!

Finally, we have Lea Clark! She is SUCH a unique doll, and she had some cute pieces in her collection as well! My Lea has straightened hair, which I'm sad about, but I repainted her lips, and they are beautiful! 

You can usually find Lea for under $100 secondhand, in fairly good condition, so you should totally get her! Seriously, she's awesome.

That's it for today! See you soon!



  1. I 100% agree! I was super excited when Joss came out :) And I was kinda surprised she wasn't as popular or well liked in the doll community

    1. Yes! I told myself I didn't need her, but now I really regret it lol.


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