Pierced ~ A Photoshoot

Hello everybody! Lately, I've seen a ton of people on AGTube getting into piercing their dolls' ears themselves, and I couple months ago, I decided to try to do it to some of my dolls and then today I decided to finally take photos of them! They're lowkey kinda terrible cause apparently my camera doesn't like to focus on tiny pieces of metal, but anyways . . . 


Idk if you can even see her cartilage piercing but it's there. (:

I have literally no idea why I wanted to put this one in black and white but I guess it looks cool.

 Again with the b and w. It kinda looks like a magazine cover and I'm living for it.


Aria got a belly button piercing too cause why not.

Random photo of her jeans pocket because I made them and they're honestly so cute.

 I just realized you can see the giant ugly shine mark on her face and I'm annoyed.

 Last one! Clover's piercings are my favorite. (:

That's all! Let me know if you want a tutorial for how to do this!




  1. I loooove the cartilage piercings! idk why they just look so elegant! i agree, that one could be a magazine cover :)

  2. I definitely need a tutorial ASAP! My dolls need piercings, this isn't even a question.
    Yesss, the one with Aria definitely looks like a magazine cover! I'm living for it!


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