At the Offrenda ~ A Photoshoot

 Hello everyone! Dia de los Muertos was last week, and I took some photos of Maritza celebrating, but kinda forgot to edit them, so here they are a few days late! Enjoy!

For this photo, I was really trying to recreate cloudsandlemonade's style - she takes a lot of photos like this that are more focused on doll accessories than the dolls themselves.

As you might've seen from the title, this little altar is called an offrenda, which is Spanish for offering. I definitely didn't do the best job recreating one, but I didn't feel like making anything new, so I guess it's good enough. ๐Ÿ˜…

Aaah I'm so proud of her crown braid! She looks adorable! (:

 Does anyone know if Maritza's retirement is an official thing now, or if she's just sold out? Because if so, I'm pretty mad. This doll is *gorgeous*!

Oooh shadows ๐Ÿ˜

 The tea light I used to take this photo actually changes colors, so I had to keep waiting for it to be on red, so I could actually make it look like real fire. I ended up changing the color of the flame in Lightroom anyway, so maybe that was for nothing. (;

I'm lowkey obsessed with this focus . . .

 This has got to be my favorite photo from the shoot! There's a lot of hispanic influence where I live, and I've always loved this style of dancing, and how twirly all the dresses are!

Speaking of dresses, shoutout to my mom for making her outfit! She got the fabric from a tutu we bought at the dollar store, and think it turned out fantastic!

 Last one! I don't know if it's just her position or what, but the framing seems really off . . .

That's all for today! Happy belated Dia de los Muertos!




  1. Oh, cute!! Great photos! I seriously love Maritza's dress! You mom did a great job making it! I think it's mostly a rumor at this point, but it does seem pretty certain that Maritza's retirement is official. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1. Thank you! She totally did! I know, I'm so sad.

  2. Maritza looks so gorgeous in these photos! I thought your offrenda looked great!

  3. I like your doll dress very much! Super cool photos!


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