The Dolly Crazy Tag!

 So, I have been the literal worst blogger lately. I haven't been posting, and apparently not really keeping up with anyone else's blogs either because multiple people tagged me for the Dolly Crazy Tag, and I only just found out.

Sorry, guys.

Anyways, I was tagged by Hailey and RJ. Thank you guys so much for trying to get me to actually make a post lol! (;

Anyways, here are the rules:

1. Use the tag photo above

2. Answer all the questions truthfully

3. Tag 1-5 people

4. Link the creator (Viola Smiles

5. Have fun!

The questions:

What is your most embarrassing memory of your dolls?

So, to be honest, whenever I take a doll out in public, I find the weird stares from strangers kinda funny. I know not everyone feels this way, but, for me, since I feel like I'm never gonna see these people again, why not just do what I love?

However, there was one time when I was taking photos in my front yard, and a women and her daughter were walking by, and the women was like, "Oh, what are the American Girl dolls doing?" I was so not used to having people talk to me while I was taking pictures, that my response was something along the lines of, "Umm, I'm just taking photos."

Which didn't even answer her question, and also, I was holding a giant DSLR, I was obviously taking photos. I wasn't necessarily embarrassed, but definitely caught off guard.   

What do you enjoy about dolls?

My answer is basically the same as Hailey's, but she worded it so well, so I'm just gonna say the same thing. She talked about "connecting with her inner child", and that was so relatable for me because I'm a teen and I just happen to be really obsessed with dolls!

If I have to actually answer the question in my own words though, I would say that I just really love that there's an entire community of people who aren't really supposed to be interested in dolls (at least according to age/gender norms), but are anyway. Everyone's so nice, and I feel like we're all just there for each other, which I love!

That last paragraph was more what I love about being a doll filmmaker/photographer, but I don't care. 

What is your favorite memory of your dolls?

This is a really hard one, but I would have to go with the time I got my Tenney doll.

Basically, my school was having a silent auction, and there were two dolls (Melody and Tenney). My sister and I convinced my parents that they should bid on Melody for her, and Tenney for me. The day bidding ended, my dad told us that he didn't win the dolls, and my sister and I were super disappointed. We were so upset, that as soon as my mom came home from work, she and my dad told us that they actually had won the dolls, but were going to keep them a secret until Easter.

My sister and I were so happy, but we had to wait around six weeks for the dolls to come in, and that was . . . not so fun.

Is there ever a time when you don't like your dolls?

Ever since I started my YouTube channel back in 2020, I've just loved dolls nonstop, but, just before the pandemic started, I actually thought I was growing out of dolls.

Basically, my other friends with dolls had grown out of them during the summer of 2019, and, at the time, I was the sort of person who wanted to be exactly like my friends, so for most of the 2019 - 2020 school year, I was kinda questioning if I was really into dolls anymore. 

Then, the pandemic started, and I stopped seeing my friends all the time, so I was able to reconnect with my dolls, and here we are now!

Do you have a favorite picture of your dolls?

These questions are so hard, I'm seriously scrolling through all my photos, trying to pick a favorite.

What I'm realizing is that I either really love or really hate all my photos, and I can't pick a favorite, but if you were holding me at gunpoint, and said I HAD to pick a favorite I would probably pick this one of Rory because it's kinda unique and out of the box:

Has there ever been a time when you've forgotten about your dolls?

Considering dolls pretty much take up my entire life, no.

When blogging, do you ever feel uninspired and out of ideas?

All. The. Time. Seriously, just a week ago, I was so tired of all my posts, I felt like they were just repetitive garbage, and I might as well quit blogging. Now, literally a week later, I've been feeling so inspired to take photos, that I almost have too many ideas. 

That is the literal story of my life. 😂

That is it for today's post! Since I'm so late (and the doll blogging community is pretty small), I'm pretty sure most blogs have already done this tag, so I'm not tagging anyone in particular, just do it if you think it sounds fun!




  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Your version was so much fun too! (:

  2. Ooh, I loved seeing your answers to this! I don't take doll photos in public because I'm afraid of the social interactions that might follow, lol! I also felt like I was growing out of dolls before the pandemic, but being at home brought my love for them back!

    1. Thanks so much, RJ! I can totally relate about the whole pandemic thing! Covid definitely sucked, but if I'm being honest, I'm pretty glad it happened lol!

  3. I loved getting to know a bit more about you, Annabelle! I always enjoy reading your posts, they're so much fun :) And thanks for the little shout out <3 I'm glad you thought I phrased my answer well.


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