Blog Updates!

Hi everyone! Sorry this post is late, and that it's not that interesting, but I wanted to give you guys some updates for the future of my blog!

So, lately, I haven't been super motivated to post on here because I haven't been getting as many comments as usual, and, honestly comments are my main motivation lol.

 Also, I feel like the opinionated posts that I make a lot of are getting sort of repetitive and not as much fun for me, so I want to try and focus more on photography because photoshoots are definitely my favorite types of posts to make!

However, photoshoots can definitely be more time consuming than quickly writing a post about dolls that I like, so, though I'm gonna try to continue posting every week, I'm gonna make it too hard of schedule!

Finally, I'm in the process of putting together a new Etsy release that I'm super proud of! I have a couple St. Patrick's Day themed items, that I'll get out sometime this week, and then some non-seasonal items I'll put up over the weekend! Here's the link to my shop if you're interested:

That's it for this post! I'll see you guys (hopefully!) next week!




  1. I can't wait to see your St. Patrick's Day release! I also love to do photoshoots, and yes they are not as easy as other posts. I can't wait for your next post!

    -Brooklyn 🍀

    1. Thank you! I'm super excited too, all I need to do is take some stock photos!
      I was actually in the middle of a photoshoot yesterday, but everything just went completely wrong lol, and I only got a couple photos. I still might post them, but who knows? (;

  2. I enjoy both your photoshoots and your opinion posts! Post whatever you like!

    1. Thank you! I'll probably still do opinion posts from time to time, just not as often as I have been!

  3. Oh cool! I will go and check out your Esty! Also I have some new videos coming soon to my channel!

    1. Aww, thanks! I'm hoping to release some more stuff soon! I can't wait for the new videos!


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