My Thoughts on Every Truly Me Doll ~ Part 1: Dolls 1 - 20

Hey guys! Today, I'm starting on a fairly long series of posts - sharing my thoughts on every Truly Me doll! 92 dolls. By the time I finish new TM dolls will probably have released . . .

Anyways, we've got a long ways to go, so let's get started!

(By the way, sorry about the image quality! I'm downloading these from the American Girl Wiki!)

First off, JLY 1! (Obviously, who else?) She has line eyebrows, which I am very hit or miss on, and I don't think they really work on her . . . Also, she looks a lot like the original version of Addy, who had line eyebrows too.

I think #2's kinda cute, but I prefer later medium skinned classic molds.

#3 is literally just Kirsten with weird bangs.

#4 is my absolute dream doll! I love her so muuuuuch! (Oops, too over the top?) 

I actually used to not really like her, but after watching videos by AGTubers who had her, I fell in love! (:

Anytime I see photos of #5 on the AG Wiki, I feel like she's really cute, but those are the only times I EVER think of her. But actually, she is really, REALLY cute! I like her! 😊

#6 has Felicity eyes, which are always a yes for me! I think she's probably one of my favorite blonde dolls with bangs!

#7 is kinda just . . . there. She looks like #39 with bangs. I don't completely dislike her, but, at the same time, I definitely don't like her either. That's literally how bland she is to me. 😕

#8 is Felicity with bangs, but I love Felicity, so we're good! (;

Oh look! It's Molly! I mean, um #9! 

This is pretty much the only photo that circulates of her, and it's not great quality, so maybe there are more differences between her and Molly than I can tell . . . ? I think it's most likely that #9 has straight hair, while Molly's is wavy.

YESSSS! #10 has Felicity eyes! 

Besides, the eyes, I actually do think this doll is pretty cute! If she was still available, I would probably get her!

I feel like #11 is kinda cute, but I still feel like later TM dolls with the Addy mold are cuter . . . 

But maybe my opinion doesn't count, because I am EXTREMELY biased about #58.

#12 is literally just the original Gwen. And Gwen's stock photo is cuter.

#13 is basically the blandest doll they could've made. She was released in 1995, but was only retired this year. Whaaaat?

#14 has a really bad stock photo that makes me not really like her, but at the same time, you should never trust the stock photos. I still wouldn't buy her.

#15's hair style in her stock photo does NOT work on her, but I feel like with her hair down, she might be kinda cute. I could see myself getting her, if, you know, she wasn't a crazy rare doll.

To me, #16 is the really boring version of Samantha. Also, she was available for 25 years. I realize bland dolls are easier to produce, since there are no unique features, so AG keeps them around for longer, but still. 25 YEARS?

I actually think #17 is really cute! I think redhead dolls with blue eyes are really pretty! (:

I don't think she's an easy to find doll, so I probably won't ever get her though . . . 😞

#18's stock photo SUCKS, but I think she's actually a pretty cute doll! She is what Courtney should've looked like.

Okay, I literally love #19 SO much! Emerald AG has her, and she is just too cute! She is by far my favorite of the TM dolls with the classic mold, brown hair, and bangs. Why? She has Felicity eyes, and, if you haven't been paying attention, I LOVE FELICITY EYES!


#20 literally just looks like Kirsten with silver eye. I am not a fan. It also doesn't help that this is pretty much the only photo in existence of her, and her hair looks SO disgusting in it.

Well, anyways, that's all I've got for today! Stay tuned for part 2! (:




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